Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Clear advice and guidance to help all teachers re-establish an effective learning environment; this resource identifies key action points for developing effective behaviour management alongside other whole school issues that will support successful student transition back into the classroom.
The Learning Diary is a booklet that can be used for students to record evidence of their learning that takes place outside of the classroom environment.
This is a ‘Bullying Policy’ that I had previously written for my Special School, where it was proven into guiding staff into making decisions around bullying incidents. It aims to give a comprehensive definition in real terms as to the kind of bullying that may be experienced by students in any educational provision.
This is an extensive Curriculum Statement that I wrote for my KS3 Centre (PRU) in readiness for Ofsted; it also proved to be a great reflection tool that enabled us to look at all areas of the curriculum and to assess if it met the needs of our young people.
Getting the Thoughts of Your Students is important for ‘Whole School Development’.
This is a 20 question survey encompassing all aspects of school life.
I wrote and distributed this survey at the end of a term, where a new Behaviour and Teaching and Learning policy was introduced. The feedback was invaluable to help us assess how well these policies had started to be embedded; a similar survey was also distributed to the staff.
Save valuable time when writing your reports
Are you a teacher or Senior leader who wants to write excellent, personalised reports but also want to save some of your valuable time?
This resource contains many exemplar paragraphs and sentences, that can be modified and adapted to add to any style of student mid term/end of term reports; they have originally been written for students in Special Education and some of them link to personalised targets, however much of the resource can be used by colleagues in all types of educational establishment.
Are you a new headteacher or longstanding one, who needs to review practice in their school/provision?
The following 7 page audit designed in diagrammatic format, asks questions of the practice undertaken in your provision so that you and your Leadership Team can reflect and review the current position of the areas identified…those areas for the purpose of this document are:
Curriculum and curriculum development
Teaching, learning and assessment
Behaviour management
Site and resources
Other considerations - like staff and student voice/extra curricular etc.
This is an authentic document that I wrote to help identify my initial priorities as I moved into a new position as head of a special school.
I am presently working with a student who regularly struggles to engage, therefore any evidence of his learning is important.
I have compiled an evidence folder to help collate his work, but in addition I have designed this log to record any learning he may achieve and if possible to support the recording of his thoughts and opinions regarding his work; the evidence log may indeed be completed by his key worker.
A useful resource to record evidence of work especially for those students who are struggling to engage at all.
A very useful template for collating information on new students to your provision. This can be used by staff supporting the induction of new students or indeed by admin staff who support the collation of information on new students - Once completed this is a useful document to share with key staff who work with the student.
A very simple tool to enable a quick student snapshot for tracking behaviour, effort and overall progress in a range of subject across the curriculum. Can be used to collate information before parental meetings, PEP meetings, EHCP Reviews etc.
Are you requiring a quick reference for defining Leadership? After studying a Masters in Educational Leadership I have collated a number of key statements that will help you to prepare more fully for interviews and associated application forms and personal statements. It will also help you in delivering training on Management and Leadership for your SLT and Middle Leaders.
An extensive Statement that gives an overview of the Curriculum for an Alternative Provision or a Special School. This is a real example I wrote for my Centre in readiness for Ofsted, but it also proved a great reflection tool that enabled us to look at all areas of the curriculum and to assess if it met the needs of our young people.
A resource that questions the functionality of the attendance protocols you have in place in your schools and therefore aids reflection upon all aspects of attendance monitoring.
Two Surveys attached that can be adapted and used by any provision:
a. A General purpose survey that asks parents questions about the quality of education their child is receiving.
b. A Survey that specifically asks questions about the quality of communication between the School and its Parents/Carers ( I designed this one for use in my PRU where a weekly snapshot report was sent home to parents)
When students are in isolation or have been excluded they need time to reflect upon their actions/behaviour.
When a student returns from FTE they should have time after the Return from Exclusion Meeting, to discuss their behaviour with a key adult - this form provides the student with a number of questions to help their reflection.
If a student is sent to isolation, there could be an expectation that they complete this reflection form before returning to mainstream lessons - its a resource that can be used in many ways.
I wrote this paper to present to my staff, after focusing on its content during a series of staff training sessions.
The paper outlines some key points that focus on developing high quality teaching that promotes high levels of learning for students of all abilities.
The resource focuses on:
Key Principles to consider for developing High Quality Learning and Achievement
An introduction to the PAR Model - Present/Apply/Review
Discussion points on Effective Feedback
Developing a Blame Free Environment for Learning
Developing Peer and Self-Assessment
The staff training that aligned to this paper was delivered over the course of two terms and was a key objective on our School Development Plan.
A resource that will stimulate thinking on how to reduce FTE in your provision as well as providing a proven list of interventions and ideas that have worked in a PRU